A Poem For When Standing Still is Hard


The railroad track is miles away, 
And the day is loud with voices speaking, 
Yet there isn’t a train goes by all day 
But I hear its whistle shrieking.

All night there isn’t a train goes by, 
Though the night is still for sleep and dreaming, 
But I see its cinders red on the sky, 
And hear its engine steaming.

My heart is warm with friends I make, 
And better friends I’ll not be knowing; 
Yet there isn’t a train I wouldn’t take, 
No matter where it’s going.

                                                            Edna St. Vincent Millay



  1. Our struggle with infertility started in 2018, months after we got married. After a year of failed attempts trying to conceive naturally, we seek help through a local specialist. We were told that our treatment options were limited, and after a year of no progress, we were close to giving up. We decided to take a break from the struggle and heartache to discuss our options. During that time, we researched and found Priest Babaka, We knew after reading patient success stories and his achievements that we wanted to meet with him. Little did we know how much he would change our lives. At our consultation, he told us that we had a 0% chance of conceiving and that his Pregnancy Herbal Medicine was our only option.We decided to go through with the process and on our first try, I became pregnant with twins!

    Fast forward 9 months later and meet our twins :) Leighton and Hamilton were born April 5th . We can’t thank Priest Babaka enough for the tremendous care that he provided and for the greatest gift we’ve ever been given, the gift of being parents. contact Priest Babaka on babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka , you will definitely have a baby to make you a parent. He handle Pregnancy related cases.

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