
Showing posts from March, 2014

And a Few More Odds and Ends

Late March Odds and Ends

Play Date: Out to Lunch

Adapting Jane: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE at People's Light and Theater

Having a Blast

How I Write: A Round Robin Blog Tour

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa: Bernini's Glorious Statue and a Poem it Inspired

Lovin' Bloglovin'

Memory Cards Light the Corners of My Mind (a Spring Break roundup)

They're Heeeeeeeeere!

In Which I Steal Somebody Else's Photo Because Venice

Midterm Interlude: While I Grade Portfolios....

Confessions of a Crazy Guinea Pig Lady (With a Poem by Alfred Nicol)

Come Write With Me

Writing about Rock

Living Will: A Poem By Darius Degher

Snowpocolypse Now