Revisiting Munich

A cheese shop in Munich with my name on it?

Today, at 4 p.m., I reached the end of the Love, Lucy copy edits, and turned my revision back in to my editor, feeling relieved, and pleased, and nostalgic--for Lucy and for the world she wanders through.

So tonight I'm revisiting the photos I took at the start of this particular  journey, when I set out to research the novel by walking in my character's footsteps, from Terminal A at Philly International Airport to Munich, then overland to Florence and beyond.

By now the Munich section of the book has been edited down to a quick flashback, but I didn't know that would be the case when I started.  I took thousands of photos and copious notes, obsessively storing up sensory data without a clue about what sorts of details I might need.

A store full of dirndls?  Check.

A charming graffito?  Check.

A circle of bunkbeds at The Tent, the funky Munich hostel where I stayed once upon a time, and where Lucy and her friend Charlene have their first falling out?  Check.

And, because I knew I was writing about a street musician, at least one picture of every busker I passed.  This guy, for example:

And this guy:

And even this guy:


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